1. Introduction

The "metaljet"-page can be accessed by selecting the corresponding tab in the main window. Here, you can control the metaljet generator (Excillum MetalJet source).
This page is accessible only if:
- METALJET USE is given in the configuration file.
2. Control of Excillum Generator
The MetalJet generator by Excillum can be operated by a PC through a network socket. Program 'mardtb' does not talk directly to the Excillum interface but to the safety control box manufactured by marXperts. This safety control box operates:
- the primary beam shutters for right and left hand port
- the interlock system
- the primary operating modes of the X-ray generator
The safety control box can be operated by a variety of programs:
- program mardtb/mar345dtb
- program metaljet
- metaljet apps available for Android and iOS
The interlock system comprises signals from:
- the doors of the radiation enclosure
- the vacuum pump that evacuates the mirrors
- a mechanical switch that checks the physical contact between mirror housing and mardtb
3. Operations
There are only 4 useful states of operation of the X-ray generator:
- X-ray OFF
- STANDBY mode
If the high voltage is turned on, in the control area within field "Run mode"
you will see a "High Voltage" icon in yellow. If the generator is in STANDY mode
at lower power, the icon will show a light grey background. At high power, the
background turns yellow as shown in the picture.
If X-rays are leaving the generator, i.e. if the HV is on and the generator
shutters are open, a yellow "Radiation" icon will show up on the right hand
side of the push buttons for the shutters.
Opening the shutter is only possible, if the interlock system is CLOSED. If
it is open, the shutter button is insensitive and an exclamation mark appears
on its right hand side as show in the picure.
In the main status window of the mardtb GUI, the field for the status of the generator shutter is color-coded and has the following meanings:
Run mode | Shutter | Label |
FULL POWER | Open | ![]() |
Closed | ![]() |
STANDBY | Open | ![]() |
Closed | ![]() |
OFF | Open | ![]() |
Closed | ![]() |
Besides those 3 basic generator operation modes (OFF, STANDY and FULL POWER), the CALIBRATION cycle is recommended to be repeated every 24 hours. This procedure is taking about 3 minutes and optimizes the position of the electron gun.
4. Data Collection Options
In the "Data collection options" area of this page, you have a choice of taking special actions after finishing a data collection. Choose one of:
- Do nothing
- Close generator shutter
- Go into STANDBY mode
- Turn X-rays OFF
Likewise, if you don't plan to resume work for a couple of hours, you might as well turn off the X-rays at all.